You are either heading for trouble or are already deep into it and want to know what options you may have. Whatever your situation is, we hope that you get out of it unscathed. Unfortunately for People who fall pry to debt problems and loose their credit ranking, lending institutions. Do not view them favorably afterwards. We have known people who could not get a credit card, let alone apply for a mortgage, for up to 3 years after their house was repossessed. This is even if the repossession was enforced on them due to changed circumstances they had no control on, like ill health, redundancy etc. Often it is better to sell the property quickly and pay off debts before it is repossessed. Loosing your house is never an easy option, and is the last option for most. But people consider this option when no other ways are left before bailiffs turn up. This way owner can save him- or herself from ‘bad’ credit record and move on in life – bitter may be but with credit rating no more badly then before selling up. You can get more information at