Why People Want Quick Sale

Why People want quick property sale.

1- Facing Repossession Problem and want to stop.
2- Want to relocate quickly.
3- Facing financial problem.
4- Need Mortgage arrears.
5- Don’t have a time for selling by real estate agent..
6- Want some quick cash.
7- Quick sale process is very simple and quick.
8- There is no real estate fee involved.
9- Many quick sale companies provide sell and rent back scheme. They can stay at their home with cash.
10- Want to solve their property problem.
11- Already bought another good home.
12- Want to live abroad.
13- Facing divorce and Separation.
14- Facing bankruptcy.

Why People want sell and rent back.

1- They are retiring.
2- There earning might be reduced.
3- Want to clear all loans and credit card bills.
4- Want to release some equity for some life enjoyment.
5- They are doing some home business.
6- They are facing some tax problem.

There could be one or more reason for ‘quick property sale’ scheme or ‘sell and rent back’ scheme.